

By accessing the content of (the Website) you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein and you accept our Privacy Policy, as found on
If you object to any of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, you should not use any of the products or on-line services provided here, and should leave the Website immediately.
By using the Website you agree to not use it for any illegal or malicious purposes. You also agree to respect and abide by all applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to use the Website in a way that may impair the performance, corrupt the content or otherwise reduce the overall functionality of the Website. You also agree to not compromise the security of the Website, or attempt to gain access to secured areas or any sensitive information stored on the Website.
You agree to be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses, costs including legal fees incurred by us arising from any infringement of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.

HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED reserve the right to change any part of this agreement without notice and your use of the Website will be deemed as acceptance of this agreement. We advise users to regularly check the Terms and Conditions of this agreement by visiting this page.
HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED will have complete discretion to modify or remove any part of this site without warning or liability arising from such action.

HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED will under no circumstance be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages including any loss of business, revenue, profits, or data in relation to your use of the Website.
Nothing within this Agreement will operate to exclude any liability for death or personal injury arising as result of the negligence of HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED and their employees or agents.

All intellectual property of HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED, such as trademarks, trade names, patents, registered designs and any other automatic intellectual property rights derived from the aesthetics or functionality of the Website remain the property of HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED.
By using the Website you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED, and that you will refrain from copying, causing to be copied, downloading, transmitting, reproducing, printing, or exploiting for commercial purpose any material contained within the Website.

The information is provided on the understanding that the Website is not engaged in rendering advice and should not be wholly relied upon when making any related decision.
The information contained with the Website is provided on an “as is” basis with no warranties expressed or otherwise implied relating to the accuracy, fitness for purpose, compatibility or security of any components of the Website.
We do not guarantee uninterrupted availability of the Website, and cannot provide any representation that using the Website will be error-free.

The Website may contain hyperlinks to Websites operated by other parties. We do not control such Websites and we take no responsibility for, and will not incur any liability in respect of their content. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such Websites does not imply any endorsement of views, statements or information contained in such Websites.

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of England and any user of the Website hereby agrees to be bound exclusively by the jurisdiction of English courts without reference to rules governing choice of laws.


In this privacy policy references to “we”, “us” and “our” are to HOMETECH EUROPE LIMITED. References to our Website or the Website are to:

The information we collect via the Website may include:
1. Any personal details you knowingly provide us through forms and our email, such as name, address, telephone number etc.
2. In order to effectively process credit or debit card transactions it may be necessary for the bank or card-processing agency to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Such information will not be transferred out of the EEA for any other purpose.
3. Your preferences and use of email updates, recorded by emails we send you (if you select to receive email updates on products and offers).
4. Your IP Address, this is a string of numbers unique to your computer that is recorded by our web server when you request any page or component on the Website. This information is used to monitor your usage of the Website.
5. Data recorded by the Website which allows us to recognise you and your preferred settings. This saves you from re-entering information on return visits to the site. Such data is recorded locally on your computer through the use of cookies. Most browsers can be programmed to reject, or warn you before downloading cookies, information regarding this may be found in your browsers ‘help’ facility.

Any personal information we collect from this Website will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws. The details we collect will be used:
1. To process your order, to provide after sales service (we may pass your details to another organisation to supply/deliver products or services you have purchased and/or to provide after-sales service).
2. In certain cases we may use your email address to send you information on our other products and services. In such a case you will be offered the option to opt in/out before completing your purchase.
We may need to pass the information we collect to other companies for administrative purposes. We may use third parties to carry out certain activities, such as processing and sorting data, monitoring how customers use the Website and issuing our e-mails for us. Third parties will not be allowed to use your personal information for their own purposes.

This privacy policy only covers this Website. Any other Websites which may be linked to by our Website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.

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